Sunday, April 16, 2006

i can't think of a clever title

we're kinda nutso parents. maybe i should leave dave out of it and just talk about myself. I'm a kinda nutso parent. i have no real interest in teaching ellen things that she's expected to know. who cares if she can say the alphabet or count past ten? she'll learn it in preschool. i'm much more interested in teaching her things that she really has no business learning until she's much older. like all 50 states and their locations for instance. or how to read. it's true, she has trouble singing the alphabet with no mistakes start to finish, but she knows what sound all the letters make and dave's been helping her learn to put them together and sound out words. or anatomy. she's taken a huge interest in animal anatomy ever since she found a page in her 'big heavy book' aka animal encylopedia that showed various animal anatomy. she now identifies kidneys, hearts, lungs, windpipes, stomachs, intestines, bones, brains, spinal chords etc in these animals and herself. or to be trilingual. i suppose there's really no age appropriateness for learning languages, and now is really the best time of all, but it qualifies because most two year olds aren't learning two other languages beside their native tongue. so i seem to be on track to produce an eccentic genius daughter. one who will be a calculus prodigy or speak 100 languages but will have trouble tying her shoes. who really needs to learn to tie shoes when there's velcro?


Blogger Joanne said...

Hey at 2 Chris could tell you all the bones in the body!

4/17/2006 07:21:00 AM  
Blogger Ian Batstone said...

Ella is learning a little about quantam physics, but she still doesn't really get calculus. Should I be worried?

4/17/2006 08:32:00 AM  
Blogger Chris Steele said...

My mom stole my comment. And my main request is that she knows how to address an envelope by the time she's in sixth grade--a personal pet peeve of mine. They'll probably teach her that in school before then, just make sure she pays attention. And I vote for teaching her what she's interested in--especially languages. You're right, now is the best (and easiest) time to pick up foreign languages.

4/17/2006 10:13:00 AM  
Blogger anne said...

I love it!
(Maybe a little time singing alphabets and counting?) :)

4/18/2006 03:10:00 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I'm taking parenting notes.

4/20/2006 05:32:00 PM  

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