Saturday, April 15, 2006


easter is tomorrow and i'm looking forward to it in a way i never have before. i am actually giddily excited. but i'm not sure i'm excited about the 'right thing' - i'm really really pumped about eating sugary things. i tried to plan something sweet to cook tomorrow to indulge in, but i couldn't decide. so while the actual date is much more at the forefront of my mind, its not really a 'spiritual forefront' so to speak. for instance, my title to this post probably should be more like "EASTER!" i've been thinking the last few days if i'll do this no 'sugar-as-the-main-attraction' thing again...and i go back and forth. one day i decided no way, its too frustrating. and another day i decided, really this is quiet good for my character and soul and etc and i started looking forward to next year's lent. and today i'm just not sure. i'm not sure if it accomplished its goal, or even what the real goal was. (and i just have to mention, dave conceded a couple days ago that really it was a good idea to break the fast on sundays because it keeps it all at the front of your mind instead of just becoming your new lifestyle you don't think about. i agree. )


Blogger Lana Joy said...

What?! What's wrong with a lifestyle change?

4/16/2006 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

nothings wrong with life style change - but if the point of your fasting is to keep your mind on something - then its helpful to be continually reminded of it instead of it becoming the norm. personally, i tend not to think about the norm.

4/16/2006 10:30:00 PM  

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