Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sunday is going to be one sweet celebration day

this morning we hosted a baby shower for one of dave's coworkers. This was my first time hosting a shower and I learned a few things, mostly about myself. 1. Not everyone eats as many sweet things as I do. Usually when we go to get togethers and people put things like vegetables and various things other than the sweet stuff on their plates, I always assume that either one, they're dieting or two, they're just better behaved than me and believe in eating the healthy stuff before the good stuff. But they're defintely going to go fill their plate with the real food next. this is not the case, apparently. people actually really like things that aren't sweet. luckily for me, I had a feeling this might be the truth and didn't just make sweet things. I do have a very tempting amount of sweet things left - anybody want some treats? 2. i have a new and growing fascination with serving plates/things and putting the food out in combinations and designs that are as pretty as the food is tasty. I had the very brief thought that catering could be fun. 3. I'm a better guest than host. When I go to parties, I think I do a pretty good job of drawing people out and finding things to talk about with people that are looking lonely. As a host, for some reason I just don't do it. I sit there awkwardly. Actually, I don't think its that I'm a bad host - it's that for this, I have a one track mind. I can either think about food and details, or about people and conversation. weird. 4. The woman the shower was for offered to help over and over, but that's just illegal. no one else offered and this annoyed me to no end. i should have just asked for help. 5. Truly, I am an introvert. I am so ready for a nap. Of course that could have something to do with the setting the alarm to get up this morning and clean up the yard a bit before people we knew saw the mess that is our property. (And by the way, who needs the gym when you can do yard work? No commute, you can work up as much of a sweat as you want and there is always something to do.) 6 I like to work as a part of a team. a small team. like me and one other. I need someone to remind me of the things I'm forgetting, like something to drink for instance. Or to actually serve the cake that I made. ah well, more for tomorrow. (it is quite handy that i planned this for a saturday, when i only had to wait one day until I could eat the good stuff on Sunday)


Blogger anne said...

Yes, yes! Catering is fun! :)
I'm the same way though, I couldn't possibly think of conversation to make when I'm thinking about food and stuff.

Although, it does seem like I'm just getting worse at party small talk anyway (food prep or not).

3/25/2006 06:23:00 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

i'm with you, girl. i go for the sweets. for me, taking veggies is all about pretending that i am healthy.

i rejoice with you that you get to eat your yummy stuff sunday!

3/25/2006 11:53:00 PM  
Blogger Chris Steele said...

Wait a minute...why do you get to eat sweets today? It's not Easter.

Maybe you should come do my shower--it's turning into a bit of a drama down here.

3/26/2006 03:59:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i am sooo with you on so many of those comments, EXCEPT, as much as I love sweets and really loved eating and baking them about 20 years ago, I just can't eat them as frequently anymore without getting sick. Always good to offer fresh fruit or veggies. I know you think I am a protein freak, but it really has just come over me the last few years... I think it is age

3/27/2006 07:05:00 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I hope you enjoyed your Sunday celebration. Did you get any pictures of your table set all nice and pretty?

3/27/2006 08:20:00 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

chris - see the march 19th post.
and wendy, no the camera's being weird again, so no pictures.

3/28/2006 02:20:00 PM  

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