today i made and we decorated sugar cookies. this has been on my list of things i want to do with ellen for a good six months or so. she had a very good time, and only succombed to the put-the-stick-full-of-frosting-into-your-mouth-instead-of-on-the-cookie temptation a couple times. i had more fun that i thought was possible mixing up the colors. did you know its nearly impossible to make a non pastel color? i'm starting to think this should be basic knowledge (since the frosting is pure white) but i tried to make red for a good five minutes before i settled for dark pink. ellen was perfectly happy to have two pinks.

yes i know they're easter cookies and colors, but i love pastels and its spring and that works just as well.

isaiah did just a little cookie decorating, and a bit more wax paper and cookie eating. i had the paper taped to the table, but he found an opening and had great fun ripping it off. i also gave him a stick with just a small small dab of frosting cause he kept begging for one after watching ellen and i. but he didn't even pretend to frost - he just stuck it right in his mouth.
Mmmmm...you can mail me some. Frosted sugar cookies are my favorite (tied with shortbread). I would gladly dump the diet for those.
what great fun. I love the pictures
i'd happily mail you some cookies chris, but i'm afraid i already ate them all. next time i'll send you a couple (so as not to sabotage your diet) right away.
Looks fun. About the colors, the same thing happens in my science class when we make slime. You have to mix the colors with white elmers glue so everyone's slime comes out kind of pastel. My students are always positive that if I just gave them a little more food coloring there slime would be the red or dark blue they want. I gave up trying to convince them. : )
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