Saturday, April 30, 2005

summer vacation

I just finished taking the final in my church history class. I definitely did not do as well and i normally do, but i can't fairly blame that on the lack of sleep or study time that i've recently been experiencing. Our teacher seemed to decide that we all did too well on previous tests and has made the later test harder. I get completely screwed up when a teacher changes their testing style. For me, half of the class is "learning the teacher". So even in this case when i completely love the content and remember tons of it, i still study for the teacher. everyone does that right? you get a sense of what they care about and you can sorta predict what will be on the test. it should not be legal to change testing style half way through the second semester. (I had the same teacher both semesters). I love this feeling that you get when the last assignment is done before a major break. I just get so thrilled with the idea that nothing is hanging over my head waiting to get done. All the things I've been wanting to do with my time come rushing back into my head, pushing to be first in line. Of course, in reality, there really isn't any new free time to fill up. Now I'll just have one less excuse to give myself when I wonder why there are no clean clothes and the dishes still need to be washed. Having two kids is more than twice the work of one I think. With ellen, there was definitely an adjustment period, but eventually it was all very handleable and relatively easy. And tons of fun. With Isaiah and Ellen, it is definitely tons of fun and not exactly feeling handleable yet. When in the world is there time to clean up? Or to sleep? Or to do something as crazy as read a book? I know we're still getting adjusted and figuring it all out, but I gotta tell you, I'm way more tired at the end of the day then I was with just Ellen. And I'm much more protective and jealous of any "no-one's-asking-me-for-something" time I can scrounge up. Dave is awesome, he completely understands that and has been amazingly available for all of us. I love our life together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang in there Sugar. He is only a month old. You're still in the adjusting to stage and I bet if we could really rewind, you are just as tired as you were with Ellen and I don't think you were going to school when Ellen was born either (June as compared to March).
Can't wait to hear her yell :-)

5/01/2005 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Grndma C says..I love reading about your life. Your mom is probably right-you are probably just as tired if you could REALLY remember. Our brain has a way of forgetting unpleasantness. If all women could really remember what childbirth was like-there would be only 1 child families. Love you!

5/04/2005 09:25:00 AM  

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