Monday, April 25, 2005

for some reason i'm having a hard time remembering to grab the camera, so i've got no new pictures to post. sorry. isaiah is growing like crazy. he's in his three to six month clothes already (he was three weeks on thursday) and he's been smiling and cooing at us since about two weeks. so cute. and his diaper rash deal still will not go away. and its getting worse. i have no clue what is going on. so i'm back off dairy and now off any kind of citrus fruit (which for some reason includes apples. i didn't think apples were citrus, but i guess they're high in acid??) and the doctor gave me some kind of perscription, but on the tube it actually says not for children under 17 and not for daiper dermititis (granted i don't exactly know what diaper dermititis is, but i'm guessing it has something to do with diaper rash). so i looked online to see what was going on, and apparently its such a potent steriod they don't want you using it on kids (or something) but 23ish percent of pediatricians do anyway. i still haven't decided if i want to use it or not. and ellen is doing great. she's truly turning out to be her father's daughter. she will do anything for a laugh it seems. she's recently learned to spit. we tell her to stop and stop and stop and take away her water (which she is spitting everywhere). we were in the car yesterday and she was doing this as we pulled up to the driveway. dave tried everything to get her to stop including pinching her mouth shut. she would not quit! i think she could tell we were close to losing it (laughing) dave started spanking her hand and she didn't seem to care. we both lost it ( i know it doesn't really sound funny, but she was laughing so hysterically and having so much fun, we just couldn't help it). there's a certain look she gives dave that makes him laugh every time - so just about every night at dinner she makes sure to do it. she loves to be funny.


Blogger anne said...

I so much enjoy these postings, even without the picutres :)

Glad you are all doing well.

4/27/2005 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I would have died laughing. I can just see her giving you two the look right now. Watch out you two, she is way smarter than you think :-)

4/30/2005 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Dave here)-looking back on this incident, I remember her looking at me after I had pinched and talked sternly and did everything I could to stop her, She looked right at me, held up one finger and said, "One more time." She wanted to spit just one more time. I couldn't help it. I think Sarah laughing in the passenger seat didn't help, but Ellen was off the hook. If any one is keeping score. She has 2.

5/09/2005 11:30:00 PM  

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