Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i hate group work

i really do. a lot of the times i can convince myself it's really not so bad, just sit back and don't try to be responsible for everyone else. just do your part and do it well. be nice and friendly and forgiving and just don't worry about it. but really deep down i think i hate it. or maybe it's just this time - we're having to collaborate online on a presentation and the group i was assigned to doesn't really fit in with my piece - so that's a bit frustrating. but the really bad part, the part that just makes my stomach irritated with frustration is when people think you're an idiot. apparently i have deep rooted issues when people seem to assign me to the "you're incompetent group." it really wasn't a huge deal, but it's still bothering me for some reason...i posted up a very short, preliminary blurb on what i found and someone responded with something like "is that all you found, maybe you better meet with someone to pick their brain." i'm sure this was written with the best of friendly nice helpful intentions, but i instantly got up my "I am competent, give me a minute" attitude. horrible, i know.


Blogger anne said...

No dude, no esta horrible! I feel your pain (and I'm listening to Spanish on tape while typing).

1/18/2006 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sensitive to that myself and I HATE it.

1/18/2006 06:27:00 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I think everyone hates group work except for slackers. Actually they might even hate group work because now they feel guilty that their slacking ways are bringing down more people than just them. Or they could just be happy that other people will take up the slack and give them a good grade in the deal.

Hmmm.. just think of all the wonderful social and organizationals skill we must have learned from all of those group projects our teachers made us do. : )

1/18/2006 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My biggest issue with group work is I hate to always lead, but get frustrated when no one else does. You are a leader and organizer too and that might be part of the frustration? Slackers are beyond a bummer. Motivating slackers is definitely NOT my favorite thing. And for the think you are an idiot comment... just send them my way, I'll tell them a thing or two!!!!! You could do everyone's work with one hand tied behind your back and still EXCEL!

1/19/2006 07:52:00 AM  
Blogger Lana Joy said...

Sarah, I cannot fathom anyone thinking you are not smart. You are definitely up there on the list of "smartest people I know." That person deserves a kick in the head.


1/19/2006 03:57:00 PM  
Blogger Chris Steele said...

As a teacher, I'll admit that I rarely assign groupwork. And if I do, there's always the option to work by yourself, because I hated it so much. Needless to say, I'll probably get in trouble for not doing enough group stuff.

And you are not stupid. He's just a nerd who spends all of his time in the library/on the internet and has no real life of his own.

1/20/2006 04:04:00 AM  

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