Friday, July 08, 2005

movies and fear

i've been renting some movies from the library to watch at night as isaiah goes to sleep cause i'm getting sick of the tv shows that are on at that time. (the fact that we have poor tv reception doesn't help.) last week we saw indiana jones: the temple of doom and raiders of the lost ark. as a kid i remember never being allowed to see the temple of doom because mom and dad were worried it would be too gory for us (or just me?) anyway, i thought that was probably silly and it would be no big deal. but sheesh, it was way too much for my little self. i was completely grossed out and didn't watch most of it. guess they were right. i can't handle gore at all. it just seems like why would i want to put that in my mind to have nightmares about. this week i rented lord of the dance (i turned it on during the day and ellen hated it), the omega code (an absurdely cheesy christian movie about the end of the world) and moulin rouge. still haven't watched moulin rouge, but i'm looking forward to it. speaking of having nightmares, i'm realizing more and more that i'm afraid of a lot of things. movies and tv freak me out. tonight at dinner we were talking about animals and i was talking about why i don't like certain animals and it all comes down to being scared (or maybe wary?) of them. i don't like cats cause i can't read them well and i always think they're going to turn on me and give me a big ol scratch to the eyes or something. lizards i always think they're going to jump on my face (that would be more startling than scary). there seems to be a face theme going here. dogs i like, and i think it's cause i feel like i can read them. but only dogs who are either on a leash, or whose owner is very near by. stray dogs cause me to turn right around and go home.


Blogger anne said...

I don't like cats for the same reason, Sarah.
About the fear thing, though, isn't that totally normal--to become more afraid of things after you've had children (for what ever reason, a protective instinct or something)?

7/10/2005 09:56:00 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

i think you're right, but afraid it doesn't apply here - this is more of a life long thing.

7/10/2005 10:02:00 PM  

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