Friday, July 08, 2005

the last word and the word after that

dave got almost all of the books that brian mclaren has written for his birthday, so i've been on a mclaren kick, reading all of them. this last one ("the last word...") was pretty interesting. for those of you who don't know, mclaren is a christian writing theology (sorta) from what some call a post-modern perspective. anyway he thinks in a lot of the same ways that dave and i do. and he's one of the first authors we've found that does, so we both love his stuff. this book was the last in a somewhat fictional trilogy that's sorta about him coming to terms with all this stuff (post-modern christianity). but it's hard to sort out the fiction from his actual story. i don't know how much is his and how much he made up. this book talks alot about hell and the theology behind it. pretty interesting to me. he was saying that the pharisees (in jesus time) basically made up hell. (i'm really simplifying all this, so bear with me.) and that the traditional christian understanding of it is more in line with pharisitical thinking than with jesus thinking. it's good stuff for me to think about. i won't tell you the whole bit because then it'd ruin it. :)


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