Friday, July 29, 2005


i finally talked someone into going to omsi (oregon museum of science and industry) with me (yay budds!) so we went today. and i managed to forget the camera. it's a pretty cool place. i'd heard lots about their new four million dollar toddler area and it was pretty cool, but i thought i could have done it for a couple hundred thousand. :) ellen played in water falls and in sand pits and with air tubes (balancing balls and shooting them in the air) and some kind of musical instrument thing that when you put your hand in the light makes notes - i know that makes no sense. but that's what it was. as we saw a magic show that we didn't stick around for cause for some reason ellen wasn't really into it (besides the beginning wasn't very good.) and ellen pet a rat and looked at various other animals and pressed all the buttons we could find. one of the exhibits i liked the best was of a fetus' development. they had real fetus's that had died of natural causes (not aborted) for each week of development. it was amazing how small and how developed the early ones are. there's a little centimeter big baby at however many weeks. it's crazy. absolutely amazing. i've seen pictures in books and things, but they're always all blown up so you can actually see them. this blew my mind to see their actual size and how they were little people.


Blogger anne said...

Oooh, I love museums like that...I would have been crawlin' around, too, if they'd let me :)

7/31/2005 06:11:00 PM  
Blogger Chris Steele said...

The Children's Museusm up by the zoo is pretty awesome, too. I took a little boy that I used to watch on Fridays, and he LOVED it--sounds similar to Omsi with the hands-on stuff. This had a grocery store section, water stuff, dress-up stuff, cars, giant building blocks, etc.

8/01/2005 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

err, actually the kids part wasn't part of the 4 million dollar budget.

9/14/2005 12:52:00 PM  

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