Monday, February 28, 2005


I'm afraid i'm not very disciplined at all. In fact, I have no real self control. I've read a few of my books a bit prematurely. I still have papers to write, I have no new baby yet, but I've read through both shopgirl and digital fortress. (i suppose if i'm completely honest, i knew there was no way i'd actually wait. my self control exists only outside the house. if i decide to quit drinking soda or eating sugary things then they need to stay outside of the house. i don't buy them. if i decide to quit watching tv for a while - it goes in the garage. out of the house. so it really was rather silly of me to buy these books now, thinking i'd hold off for an entire month. i guess maybe i should put the rest in the garage? but the others aren't really novels so they're not as enticing. well, except for the anne of green gables series and the chronicles of narnia. but those are both boxed sets wrapped up in plastic wrap so you can't just read the first chapter really quick while waiting for ellen to wake up and then end up staying up all night to finish it) I'd have to say that i like both of them. for a while shopgirl was rather depressing for me, but it redeemed itself in the end. and digital fortress was definitely a page turner (dan brown seems to have that aspect down) although there were a few predictible plot twists. (like strathmore and hale's involvements) but definitely nice fun frivolous reads. good recommendations bryan and jill. (anne - i ordered the books before i read your recommendations, so i'm saving those for my next ordering frenzy) on another note, i'v been increasingly interested in learning more languages lately. it has always struck me as rather arrogant to never learn another language, but i've never really done anything about it. and then after reading through some of the comments on anne's blog (i think it was anne's) i was reminded that some people actually do something about it and set out to learn a few . spanish seems to be the most logical first choice. so i'm considering ordering a program - rosetta stone language something or other - that is supposed to be really good. it's fairly expensive (200 something dollars) but it seems that a class would be just as much and i've never really been satisfied with the results of a language class (granted i've only experienced high school spanish, but still). it's possible we could get it financed through dave's job since they would like him to be bilingual, so maybe I'll actually get started soon. :)


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