Saturday, February 26, 2005

i was pleasantly suprised to see that we have daffodils. (If you have been to our house, you know that we need to do some serious yard work - but I haven't touched any of the bushes or shrubs in the yard yet - one of my excuses has been that I want to see what blooms and what there is...)


Blogger Wray Davis said...


In Wales, daffydils grow like weeds every spring, just suddenly shooting up out of the ground like miniature forests. There was this park behind the dorm I stayed in there, and one day as I was walking through it, I noticed that there were these groups of green shoots coming up on this incline. They shoots were bunched together into what looked like an alien alphabet and they ran in long, parallel, horizontal strips. I thought maybe it was going to spell something at the end, and I asked the garderner about it. He said they were just weeds, and when I asked what kind, he said Daffydils!

Also of note, Daffydils are named after St. David (St Daffyd in Welsh), their patron saint, who much like Ireland's Patricus, came to them among signs and miracles and converted them to Christianity.

2/27/2005 05:56:00 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

interesting! i love that kind of trivia

2/27/2005 08:46:00 PM  

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