this little boy is a total chow hound! and i'm afraid his days and nights are still mixed up so i've been something of a zombie. last night went well though - i may have found the secret. i'll try it for a few more nights before i get too excited though.
ellen has been the absolute best big sister i could ever imagine. i thought she might have some jealousy issues, but she loves "baby" so incredibly much. she kisses him and holds him. she likes to help change his diaper - she brings me three or four daipers (turns out that is what we actually need every time) the powder, desitin and wipes. (i never even asked her for any of that stuff...she just goes and gets it when i start talking about changing isaiah's diaper. once she went and got him another set of clothes when i mentioned to myself we better get him new clothes. and she wants me to be holding him and making sure he's happy. i'm impressed and amazed with this little girl.
isaiah is pretty amazing too. he's rolled over twice. and he holds his head up for several seconds if he's laying on a shoulder. he's pretty strong already it seems. and he seems pretty content as long as food is close by.
and more good news - my paper is finally done just in time (i turn it in tomorrow) i'm looking forward to being done with homework for the summer.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
About Me
- Name: Sarah
- Location: portland, oregon
ummm....i admit it - its not just about the kids anymore. the blog has been gravitationally pulled toward me as its main subject.
Previous Posts
- isaiah!
- isaiah is here!!!
- waiting for something to happen...
- dave being doctorly
- the last pregnant pose
- taking duck for a stroll
- joke
- ellen playing after church in her easter dress
- dave's blog
- jill's blog
- bryan's blog
- anne's blog
- dad's blog
- mom's blog
- wood's blog
- kim's blog
- grandma charlotte's blog
- fieldhouses's blog
- mike vk's blog
- chris's blog
- joanne's blog
- cindy's blog
- ashley's blog
- jeff and wendy's blog
- andy's blog
- lana's blog
- batstone's blog
- hiebert's blog
- amberlee's blog
- jessica's blog
Ellen IS pretty amazin, isn't she?
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