Sunday, February 06, 2005

storytime and going "fas!"

last night when i was putting ellen to bed, i decided to tell her a story. so we talked about noah and the ark. but i said boat instead of ark. about half way through the story ellen started getting pretty excited talking about the boat, asking where did it go?(di' go?) and saying it was "fas!" (fast) and talking about how bouncy (bounsh) it must be. as i was trying to figure out why she was so thrilled and trying to get her to calm back down and trying to think of how to tell her where in the world the boat went, I realized that the only boat she knows anything about is the boat in finding nemo and that she was in fact talking about that particular boat as it raced nemo away to his new home in the dentist's fish tank. today at nap time i told her about adam and eve and how they got in trouble and had to leave the garden they lived in. again, she latched on to a particular word and got pretty excited. in this case, she had recently been "in trouble" for hitting me. as soon as she heard adam and eve got into trouble she sat up and said "no no. no hit mama. trawble." (implying adam and eve really shouldn't have hit me) it's pretty funny to me the associations she has for words that i forget about. ellen has also recently become insterested in being "fast". she tries to walk really fast and tries to get us to do the same. the funny part is that every time she walks fastthe only difference is that she swings her arms vigorously at the same time. we're not sure where she got that from - maybe one of us does it with knowing. i tried to get video of it but it just doesn't show up well. plus once she sees the camera she's really only interested in watching the video we just took.